Learn 1300 most important GRE words with our free flashcards for your Android phone. Practice every day to improve your vocab knowledge. Study to rectify your benightedness and prepare to trounce the verbal section!
Our GRE dictionary app offers
• A short GRE dictionary contains over 1300 words
• Simple and easy to understand definition
• Plenty of examples
• Audio pronunciation
• Save Your Vocabulary.
• Favorite words
• Efficient learning mechanism for mastering vocabulary fast
• Smooth, Beautiful and easy to use interface.
• Works fully offline.
Benefits of our GRE Vocabulary app
• Improve Reading
• Improve Writing
• Improve Listening
• Improve Speaking
• Improve vocabulary
Once you’ve “finished” learning a group of new words, don’t just set it aside. You may think they are locked in your brain, but chances are you may forget their meanings if you don’t keep reviewing. Studying vocabulary should always be a cumulative process. When you are ready for a new list, add them to an existing list. Don’t neglect the words you’ve learned.
This may be the most challenging task in the list. If you really want to know these words, try to implement them into casual speech. It may be easier to implement them into an essay or a volunteered comment in class. Around the right crowd, though, trying out some of these big words will be welcomed; at the very least, it’ll get a laugh.
Our goal is to help you achieve your target score on the GRE exam, and help you gain admission into the grad school of your choice!